
Music expresses that which cannot be said and on
which it is impossible to be silent.

Victor Hugo

Thank You

“Love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and thankful mind.” 
A Course in Miracles

There is something pure and lovely about vulnerability mixed with a deep sense of thankfulness for the simple things in life that bring us joy. In this place where tears and a quickened heart rate are never far away, one is alert and receptive.  

Gratitude List for Summer 2015:

Left in between my front doors, a special gift from T.
‣ Watching my patient daughter play with four feral kittens. Her long and gently undulating hair aflame in the afternoon light

Every Breath You Take: The Singles by The Police

‣ Wind in the leaves of the tall pines, maples, and oaks

‣ Curious blue-eyed dragonflies

‣ Sudoku!

‣ Henkell Rosé

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

‣ Bob Burns Books, where we always find something special. This year it was two contemporary seafarer memoirs by female adventurers and a few Fairy Realm books in excellent condition.

‣ Afternoon concerts by the cicadas and crickets

A virtual hug

‣ Enchanting sunlight in the early morning/evening

‣ The tribal drum of distant thunder followed by a gentle rain (that was pleasantly reminiscent of the sound of static at the end of a record)

A thoughtful gift from R. ♥
From L.: Peace & Tranquility