Just Past Two

Black Birds Migrating, Lake Ridge Road

From the side of the road I witness the graceful and exacting movement of the flock. Cars rush past oblivious to this awesome dance. There’s spaciousness in my chest and an intense feeling of gratitude overwhelms me. I don’t want them to leave! But they do and I must go, as well. I have someone special waiting for me to pick her up at 3:05.

Catch a Leaf

Catch a leaf as it falls.
Send peaceful, loving 
thoughts to a friend.


Music expresses that which cannot be said and on
which it is impossible to be silent.

Victor Hugo

Thank You

“Love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and thankful mind.” 
A Course in Miracles

There is something pure and lovely about vulnerability mixed with a deep sense of thankfulness for the simple things in life that bring us joy. In this place where tears and a quickened heart rate are never far away, one is alert and receptive.  

Gratitude List for Summer 2015:

Left in between my front doors, a special gift from T.
‣ Watching my patient daughter play with four feral kittens. Her long and gently undulating hair aflame in the afternoon light

Every Breath You Take: The Singles by The Police

‣ Wind in the leaves of the tall pines, maples, and oaks

‣ Curious blue-eyed dragonflies

‣ Sudoku!

‣ Henkell Rosé

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

‣ Bob Burns Books, where we always find something special. This year it was two contemporary seafarer memoirs by female adventurers and a few Fairy Realm books in excellent condition.

‣ Afternoon concerts by the cicadas and crickets

A virtual hug

‣ Enchanting sunlight in the early morning/evening

‣ The tribal drum of distant thunder followed by a gentle rain (that was pleasantly reminiscent of the sound of static at the end of a record)

A thoughtful gift from R. ♥
From L.: Peace & Tranquility

A Test

The past has resurfaced
in the form of uncertainties and tears
It’s a test of fortitude, perhaps
To see how much meek souls
can endure.
Facts spin wildly
What was truth, for a time,
is lost.
The sun shamelessly shines
The clouds persist in their
shape-shifting play.
Naive and trusting, her tear-filled
gaze engages mine
My eyes a misty meadow;
hers a questioning sky.
But words that might comfort or appease
catch painfully in my chest.
There are no words, it seems.
No reason or easy explanations.
There is only now and
what will be
And a love that will
never, ever end.